Posts made in April, 2021

Benefits of a Roof Garden

»Posted by on Apr 20, 2021 in Landscape | 0 comments

Of course, all of us have roofs on our houses, but how many of us utilize this space for more benefits aside from utilizing the shelter it gives? The modern architectural design, landscape architects, and property owners have now been discovering other functions that our roof can do. Yes, aside from the traditional front yard landscaping, rood gardening and landscaping is now popular in urban places especially in residential buildings and apartments. Why is it so?  


Roof gardens, also known as eco-roof, has ecological, economic, societal, and personal benefits. A green roof purifies the air in the area, reduces the ambient temperature, provides a rainwater buffer, saves energy, regulates indoor temperature, provides more aesthetics, and encourages biodiversity in the urban area. Below is the elaboration of the benefits that the eco-roof gives. 

1. It purifies the air in the area 

We know how city life can be a bit stressful, with fewer greens to see. All you can observe are tall buildings and a lot of personal and public vehicles scattered on the streets. Compared to the rural area, a city can be more polluted to lesser trees and plants. Having an eco-roof solves this problem. The plants and trees on your roof filter particulate matter from the air and convert it into oxygen.  

2. It substantially increases your property’s value 

Independent research shows that a green roof adds up to 25% of value to a property especially in high-end neighborhoods. What makes this possible is that it provides a functional area that can be both pleasing to the eyes and functional to use.  

3. It effectively reduces the ambient temperature 

The earth is warming, and with no more trees to provide us shade in the city area, a roof garden solves the problem. Plants are known to absorb sunlight; 50 % of which is absorbed while 30% of the light is reflected. Your HVAC does not need to work very hard under a hot climate because your roof garden already regulates the temperature in your house, reducing the energy consumption and bills. Imagine if every roof in each building has an eco- garden, this effectively lowers down the area’s hot temperature. 

4. It serves as a buffer for the rainwater 

The plants in your green roof efficiently absorb water and at the same time this water is absorbed by the water buffering in the plant, substrate and drainage layer. It purifies the rainwater and slows down the flow into the sewage system, reducing the chances of flooding. 

5.Reduces stress 

As mentioned, city life is more stressful and noisier than the rural life, with no greens to see; only tall buildings. Your green roof can provide you the calm color of green that alleviates stress – the same soothing effect that you get when you connect with nature.  

Other benefits of a green roof: 

  • Offers a healing environment 
  • Creates a fire-resistant later 
  • Increases biodiversity 
  • Extends the life of your roof 
  • Effectively reduces ambient noise both on the inside and outside the building 
  • Increases the efficiency of solar panels. 
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